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Why create this website?  Quite simply, to address a major flaw in the way evolution is commonly taught. According to a 2012 Gallup poll, 46% of US citizens do not accept that humans are the result of evolution (Gallup, 2012). Why? Is it simply a religious issue or has education in the United States dropped the ball on evolution education? It's the opinion of this website that at least some of that blame ought to rest squarely on us as science educators. - English


Web Link

Welcome to 'A Fragment of Gondwana' This Blog replaces Dracovenator, my old blog from when I lived in South Africa. I've moved now, to the centre of Australia and finally have a home internet connection and a renewed sense of wonder and vigour about the natural world and its aeons of history. Since I'm in a completely new situation I need a new blog. It's still going to be a an uber-nerd's blog filled with natural science, especially palaeontology, though perhaps not quite so many dinosaurs. 


Web Link Foresta fossile della Val Cesano

Resti di tronchi di alberi "vecchi" di circa 50.000 anni affiorano, ben conservati, sepolti tra le ghiaie e le argille del fiume Cesano, tra Monte Porzio e Pergola


Web Link è un Blog universitario di un dipartimento di Geologia di Wooster in Ohio (USA). A blog from faculty and students of the Department of Geology at The College of Wooster.



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